
October 08, 2013

My Thoughts, during Maths

She’s born and bound in these pages
The messiah of hallowed ages
For she sees through the hypocrisy preached by their sages
Standing in a void she provokes-
A snake and serpent enrages

And she sees mirrors on turn-styles
And echoes of teenage death howls
In subterranean deluges
An inexplicable tiger growls

And penitence of water wasted
A death known - we faced it
Without fear or agony or grief
An Indian boy, red Indian chief

He is slain by the man of pale skin
Alludes to primordial choice – Eve’s sin
But echoes of time and space
A divine Arian race which we chase
And alone we are chastised
We fall to disgrace

A cataclysmic consolation
In the bedroom of synthetic elation
Changes to bombs and missiles of war
Like mental military masturbation

 For it seems to allude to me
And it remains to be
Everything we learn and dream
And echoes of the stitches seam
For a man lost his life
But it’s not as important
As the team

For they berate, yes they berate they hate
Never do they realize how they propagate
The inadequacies of a nation
A demon they create

And in the doorway I stand and weep
A child deprived of sleep
But a man addicted to the feeling of love
And yet the plough of sanctity does not reap

No, that plough does not reap.

This poem is featured in a recorded jam session at

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